

Die Versandkosten werden automatisch für jede Bestellung auf der Website berechnet, abhängig vom Zielort und der Versandart. WENN SIE DIE VERSANDKOSTEN WISSEN MÖCHTEN, KÖNNEN SIE IM WARENKORB EINE SIMULATION ERSTELLEN.

Sendungen nach DeutschlandBei einem Transportunternehmen erhalten Sie das Paket bei Ihnen zu Hause oder an der von Ihnen angegebenen Adresse. Transportzeit zwischen 3 und 6 Tagen für Produkte, die ab dem Verlassen unserer Lager auf Lager sind.

For sendings to Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guayana, Mexico, Paraguay, Perú, Surinam, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela and other countrys:

We also send our products to: Africa, America , Asia and Oceania

Other destinations, please contact us.

All our products are newand they are sent in the resistant original packaging sealed.

All the orderings will be processed as soon as possible after getting the payment.

The delivering time will depend on the destination. Spain/Europe aproximately 2-15 days minimum. Except if there would not be stock. In this case the customer always will be informed and at any moment could cancel the ordering and will receive the refound. We are not going to send any product until the payment would be correct and confirmed.

The delivering times are approximately and Solopatinmakes the effort to respect them, but it not only depends on us, even the delivering companies. Even though, if the delivering it takes some more time, the ordering will not be cancelledand we do not refound any money.

We make deliverings all over the world.

We have the best post-selling service for our customers.

The orderings realized in a same day,  only will be delivered if they are in stock and once the payments and needed operations are done before 14:00 local time.

The product will be delivered to the same adress as the one in the bill, unless it is said differently and filled the adress gaps in the delivering part.

For deliverings abroad from CEE.
For deliverings to Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guayana, Paraguay, Perú, Surinam, Uruguay and Venezuela

Economical sending 15/30 days aprox. 

Fast delivering over 5/15 days aprox. 

If you live abroad CEE, the local Comercial Department can give you more information about it. Only you should explain them that you would like to import from CEE, some sport material.

Some countries add some extra fees when the price is over a limit they had stablished. In Example, Australia in orderings over 1000 Australian dolars, Turkey in orderings over 300 euros and Venezuela in orderings over 100 American dolars.

Our experience demonstrate that in some countries as Turkey, Venezuela, Russia and Mexico, it is better to make orderings of few value separately, and be delivered to the same owner, but to be received in different deliverings. Even you will pay more in transport, for sure will be more economical because you will save some money in concept of dutties.

ATENTION: We obteined this information from DG Trade European comission web page. The dutties and rules can change in the different countries and it is difficult to know how they work exactly. Because of this reason, please contact your local Comercial Department, where they inform you precisely. Only you have to explain them that you want to import sport material from Economical European Comunity.

The law stablishes that the original bill should be acompaining the parcel to be declared. Under any circumstance we can alterate the total amount in your orderings to you get a lower price.

The costs or fees occasioned by the custom offices in some countries will be client responsability, so SOLOPATIN will be always excluded of them. The deliverings obroad EEC will be delivered with following delivering number to let the client know where is the parcel at every moment. Once SOLOPATIN has done the sending to the delivering transport agency, SOLOPATIN will not be responsible in any circumstance of the incidents which can occur.